Accessory sex glands of Male Genitalia

Accessory glands contain variety of components and ions including citric acid, inositol, and prostaglandin

A.  Vesicular glands (seminal Vesicles)

1.  Paired glands

2.  Located at junction of urethra & vas deferens

3.  Have rough structure

4.  Contribute large amount of fluid

5.  Add the following

a.  Fructose & sorbitol  --  energy sources

b.  Phosphate & bicarbonate  --  buffers

B.  Prostate Gland

1.  Located caudal to seminal vesicles and close proximity to pelvic urethra

a.  Bilobed in bull & boar

b.  Diffuse in ram

c.  Surrounds urethra in dogs & humans

2.  Only accessory gland in dog

3.  Function = cleanse & lubricate

4.  Secretes just prior to & during ejaculation

C.  Bulbourethral Glands (Cowper’s gland)

1.  Paired glands

2.  usually buried under bulbospongiosus muscle

3.  Small & round in bull, ram, stallion, and man

4.  Larger & longer in boar

5.  Function:

a.  Bull, etc.

- cleanse urethra prior to ejaculation

b.  Boar

- produces gel fraction

- adds considerable volume

D.  Colliculus Seminalis

1.  Region of urethra where sperm mixes with S.V. secretions

2.  Mixing incomplete in stallion, boar

a.  Sperm-free fraction & Sperm-rich fraction


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