Mechanisms of Hormone Action

Mechanisms of Hormone Action

Hormones trigger actions in specific target cells, after binding to an appropriate receptor. Receptors are membrane proteins that bind to hormones. A certain hormone receptor located on a specific target cell can only bind to one type of hormone. More than fifty human hormones have been identified; all act by binding to receptor molecules. The binding hormone causes a change in the shape of the receptor. This alteration of the receptor’s molecule causes the cell to respond to the hormone.
here are two different mechanisms of hormone action on all target cells:
Steroid and non – steroid hormones

§  Nonsteroid Hormones

Nonsteroid hormones (water soluble) do not enter the cell but bind to plasma membrane receptors, generating a chemical signal (second messenger) inside the target cell. Five different second messenger chemicals, including cyclic AMP have been identified. Second messengers activate other intracellular chemicals to produce the target cell response.

§  Steroid Hormones

The second mechanism involves steroid hormones, which pass through the plasma membrane and act in a two step process. Steroid hormones bind, once inside the cell, to the nuclear membrane receptors, producing an activated hormone-receptor complex. The activated hormone-receptor complex binds to DNA and activates specific genes, increasing production of proteins.


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