Development Public Administration (D A)

Development Public Administration (D A)

The term Development administration first coined by U L Goswami in 1955, however the term popularised by F W Riggs, Joseph La Palambara etc. The emergence of welfare state and the end of colonial era are the two significant factors contributed to the concept. The third world countries were moved to underdevelopment to development, these countries face many problems in this time. Development administration is focussed to their administrative problems.

Development administration is process of guiding an organisation toward the achievement of progressive political, economic and social objectives that are authoritatively determined one manner the other. Development administration is concerned with following matters

    The formulation and implementation of plans, policies, programmes and projects for national development.
    D A focussed to the national development; it is ‘action oriented’ and ‘goal oriented’ administrative system.
    Socio-economic change
    Time Frame work
    Client Orientation
    Goal Orientation and innovation


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