For a given level of income,
the intersection of the money supply and the liquidity preference curve will
determine the equilibrium interest rate. It follows that for any given level of
income, a curve can be drawn showing the interest rate that will result from
any given level of income. This is called the liquidity and money (LM) curve.
This curve is valid for a constant money supply. If the government expands or
restricts the money supply, the result will be a shift to the right or left of
the LM curve.
For a given level of income,
the amount of savings conducted by households is determined by the marginal
propensity to consume, MPC. The marginal propensity to save is equal to 1-MPC:
S=(1-MPC)Y is the same as S=Y*MPS. For equilibrium in the private, real goods
sector, planned savings must equal planned investment. Therefore I=Y*MPS.
Investment must also fall on the marginal efficiency of invesment (MEI) curve,
which is given by the investment function I=f(R). A simple investment function
would be I=kR, which gives the relationship Y*MPS=kR or Y=R(k/MPS). This
function gives the investment-savings (IS) curve.
When the LM and IS curves are
drawn together, the point at which they intersect represents the point of
simultaneous equilibrium for output (and hence investment and savings) and
interest rates (and hence money supply and demand), as shown here:

The IS schedule above only
includes the private sector. Of course, our expanded model includes government
expenditures. Instead of achieving equilibrium when I=S, we now achieve
equilibrium when I=S-G. This simply shifts the IS curve up by an amount such
that the change in interest rates reduces I by the value of G. If we add trade
surplus or defecit, again the IS curve is simply shifted up or down by an
appropriate amount.
IS/LM: The Keynesian Liquidity Trap

Suppose that the economy is
in equilibrium in the state shown by IS1 and LM1. The
economy is severely depressed and unemployment is rampant. The government wants
to take action to restore the situation to an equilibrium value where full
employment (or close to it) again prevails. However, it cannot do so through
monetary policy alone. No matter how aggressively the government expands the
money supply, it cannot cause interest rates to fall below the horizontal
portion of the LM curve. Only by shifting the IS curve to IS2, for example by increasing
government expenditure, can full employment be restored. Notice that if fiscal
policy is aided by a simultaneous expansion of the money supply resulting in LM2,
then the required increase in government expenditure and the resulting increase
in interest rates are both lower.
Faced with the opposite
problem, YE > YF (an inflationary gap), either fiscal
or monetary policy can reduce YE to bring it back into equality with
YF. If the gap is reduced using monetary policy alone, by
restricting the money supply, then YF will be achieved but interest
rates will be higher. If the gap is reduced using fiscal policy alone, then YF
will also be achieved but this time interest rates will be lower. It would be
possible through a carefully coordinated application of both fiscal and
monetary policy to close the inflationary gap while leaving interest rates
unchanged. Which of these three outcomes is desirable depends entirely on
policy objectives outside the analytical range of economics. The relative
effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies will depend entirely on where the
orginal equilibrium position lies and on the shapes of the LM and IS curves.
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