Expanded Model of Income Determination

Expanded Model of Income Determination

The model above does not include many of the features of a modern market economy. The following model will add  a government sector, an international sector, and business savings. We will continue to assume that potential output is fixed, that there is a fixed relationship between output and employment, and that all investment is carried out by private firms.

Investment Fluctuations

One of the major failings of the simple model is that it treats investment as stable at all levels of income. In fact, observations show that investment expenditure is very unstable over time. Investment expenditure is quantitatively less important than consumption expenditure (tpical values for I range from 15% to 30% of GNP), but because I is much more variable over time than C, it has a major role to play in explaining the short run behavior of income and output.

Investment is undertaken in the hope and expectation that it be profitable. To assess whether any proposed investment scheme will be profitable, a business has to arrive at an objective of subjective judgement of three factors:

(a)     The cost of the investment;
(b)     The expected returns from the investment in the form of increased income;
(c)     The cost of financing the investment.

The first two factors give the rate of return over cost, which is known as the marginal efficiency of investment (r) which is the same as the accounting concept of IRR. The third factor, the cost of financing, is the rate of interest (R). For some investments, particularly those that are very large or extend over a long period of time, the cost of the investment can only be estimated at the time of the initial decision. For other investments, the cost is known with great accuracy. But for practically all investments, the expected returns involve uncertainty. Thus a firm must make estimates of the expected returns on its investments. In addition, for many investments, either the expenditure or the return are expected to take place over a lengthy period of time.

It is assumed that every firm faces a list of possible investments and must decide which to undertake. It would be very unlikely that every investment on the list would have the same rate of return, so the list will be ordered from highest to lowest expected rate of return. As the volume of investment undertaken increases or decreases, the overall return expected will also increase or decrease. In addition, as the volume of investment increases, it will put greater pressure on the productive capacity of the capital goods industries, and, as costs in those industries rise, the increasing cost of capital equipment will lower the marginal efficiency of investment. This results in a ‘marginal efficiency of investment schedule’ that shows the expected rate of return for each possible volume of investment.

However, there is no convincing historical evidence to suggest that the rate of return has declined over time even though volume has increased, primarily because technical knowledge improves over time and shifts the marginal efficiency of investment schedule to the right.

If the only factors influencing investment decisions were the expected returns and the costs, then all investments with a positive rate of return would be undertaken. However, the funds used for any investment have an opportunity cost, that being the value of their next best alternative use. For a given rate of interest R, money can always be lent out at that rate at very low risk. As a result, it is not rational for any investment to be undertaken where the expected return r is less than the interest rate R, because more profit would be made by simply lending the money out. This means that the volume of investment actually undertaken will equal the point on the marginal efficiency of investment schedule where R=r, as shown here (assuming, of course, that firms are economically rational profit maximizers—in reality, these decisions are not nearly so mechanistic):

The function resulting in the MEI curve (shown above as a straight line) is the investment function, I=f(R). Movements along this curve occur when the rate of interest changes. Shifts in this curve occur when the relationship between rate of interest and total investment expenditure change for all values. Shifts in the MEI curve occur frequently. The two most inportant reasons are:

(a)     business expectations;
(b)     the degree of uncertainty.

The calculation of r (rate of return, aka marginal efficiency of investment) depends on estimates of future returns. These estimates are fundamentally affected by firms’ expectations and uncertainty about what the future holds. A firm must make judgements concerning future costs and prices, technological advance, political disturbances, the behavior of competitors, changes in government policy, political disturbances, the actions of consumers, and so forth. The role of expectations in investment decisions explains why investment is one of the more volatile components of national income. If the managers who make investment decisions become pessimistic through fears of a coming recession, the MEI curve will shift to the left and the volume of investment undertaken for all rates of interest will be reduced. In addition, the MEI curve is affected by the amount of uncertainty firms feel in their estimates. Assuming firms estimate conservatively, the MEI curve will shift to the left as uncertainty increases, and to the right as it decreases. More investment will be undertaken for all rates of interest when firms feel that their estimates are comparatively reliable.

Shifts in the MEI curve are likely to be of more importance than movements along it. Planned investment is subject to sudden sharp changes rather than smooth, predictable movements. In fact, some economists question the importance of the rate of interest to the volume of investment—they claim that changes related to firms’ expectations and uncertainty are so substantial and frequent that changes related to the rate of interest are almost trivial by comparison. As a result, it may be difficult to influence the volume of investment through monetary policy: Investment may be interest inelastic.

Some economists also believe in the accelerator (as distinct and different from the multiplier). The idea here is that some investments are determined by the rate of change of national income/output. For example, suppose a firm producing shoes requires $2 million of capital goods to produce $1 million output of shoes and this capital-output ratio is fixed at all levels of output. If the firm is selling $1 million in shoes and economic growth occurs such that the demand for the firm’s shoes rises to $1.5 million, then the firm must invest an additional $1 million in new capital for the production of the higher volume of shoes. If growth then ceases and the firm continues to operate at the $1.5 million level of output, then no additional capital investment occurs. If demand for the firm’s goods decreases, the firm is likely to disinvest, or go out of business, or what have you, so the accelerator principle also applies to reductions in the rate of growth. The accelerator is related not to national output itself, but to the rate of change of national output. Hence, DI=aDY where a is the accelerator, aka the capital-output ratio.

The accelerator principle does not yield a comprehensive explanation of investment, because not all investment is in capital goods required to produce output. Other types of investment are not subject to the accelerator principle: replacement investment, research and development, ‘autonomous’ investment, etc. In addition, even where the accelerator principle applies, the causeal connection is often less immediate and simple than the above explanation suggests. However, empirical evidence does suggest that a significant portion of the fluctuations in investment observed may be associated with the rate of change of national output.

As with any change in demand, a multiplier effect also exists for investment expenditure: DY=kDI, where k is the multiplier. The causal relationship for the multiplier effect is that changes in investment result in proportionally larger changes in national output. The causal relationship is reversed for the accelerator effect: Changes in national output result in additional changes in investment. The accelerator principle suggests that the secondary effects of ‘first-round’ investments are likely to be larger and more complicated than explained by the multiplier effect alone. As with changes in consumption expenditure, both the multiplier and accelerator effects can only occur where Y<Q.

The Government Sector

Government taxation and expenditure (fiscal policy) are analogous to household saving and business investment. Taxation (and saving) is a withdrawal from the circular flow of income, and expenditure (and investment) an injection. Equilibrium national income is reached when S+T=I+G. It follows from this that planned savings and planned investment can diverge without causing a change in equilibrium income, if the difference is offset by an inequality of the same magnitude but opposite sign between taxes and government expenditure.


At equilibrium, GNP=GNI; therefore, S+T=I+G. Alternately, S=I+(G-T). As a result, private investment varies inversely with government budget defecit. This assumes that C=C, but in fact there are two different values: C produced and C bought:


When CP > CB, unintended inventories will accumulate (in the short run). When CB > CP, inventories will be depleted faster than planned. These changes in inventory level are a form of investment, InvU=CP-CB. So:

\ S=I+InvU, given a balanced budget (G=T)

There are two types of government expenditure. The first, represented by G, is money spent on current goods and services. The second is transfer expenditure, such as welfare payments. Transfer expenditure is not part of G; it is deducted from T as a ‘negative tax’. So T does not represent total taxation; it is actually tax reciepts less transfer payments.

The government purchases goods and services from the private sector (firms and households) to produce government services such as defense, law and order, health and education. The government typically distributes these services to citizens at zero or minimal charge, and finances them through tax reciepts. If taxes are insufficient to pay for government services, then the government must borrow money from households and firms.

The expanded model of income determination takes the following as exogenous: G, T, I. Note that taking T as exogenous means that it is a poll tax or otherwise unrelated to income. Also note that Y cannot increase beyond Q but this is not shown by the model. The model is defined as:

Solving for Y produces:

From this can be derived the change in Y that will result from a change in any of the exogenous variables representing government expenditure, taxes less transfers, and investment:


The next step is to build a model where investment (I) is not entirely exogenous. Suppose some part of I is a function of income. (Note that we actually think investment should depend on some combination of the rate of interest or on the rate of change of income.) The model then becomes:

And the solution becomes:


Next, we can consider the effects of an income tax. The previous model took T as exogenous, unrelated to income, for example a poll or head tax. However, modern economies generally feature an income tax:

The solution for this model, for which I is again considered exogenous, is:


The difference here is that the income tax reduces the value of the multiplier, where the poll tax did not. This is because the poll tax is a simple subtraction (YD=Y-T), but the income tax takes a cut from each round of the multiplier effect.

Suppose that unemployment exists and the government wishes to reach full employment. To do so through fiscal policy, it can decrease taxes or increase government expenditure. If it increases government expenditure, it has simply increased demand by the amount of the increased expenditure. The full multiplier effect applies. However, if it reduces taxes, the tax reduction by itself does not produce any additional demand. The tax cut winds up in the hands of consumers, who will spend a portion of it determined by the marginal propensity to consume (b). This is why DY/DT is different from DY/DG. The consequence of this is that if the government’s budget is balanced, and G and T must increase in lock-step, the multiplier for additional government spending is 1 – the negative multiplier effect from the increase in taxes exactly cancels out the multiplier effect from the additional expenditure, so the change in Y is equal to the change in G.


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