Top 5 Signs of Urinary Tract Troubles

Cat sitting on pavement - Matt Carr/Photolibrary/Getty Images

1. Urinating out of the litter box / Having accidents in the house

Cats may associate pain with the litter box and find other places to urinate.
There are many behavioral reasons (the cat doesn't like a new or strongly scented litter, stress, multi-cat household issues, etc.) for this problem to occur with cats, but a medical problem — urinary tract infection, inflammation or blockage — must always be ruled out first.
Senior cats, especially those that suffer from arthritis, may have difficulty getting into or out of the litter box, and find other, more "accessible" places to urinate.
In this case, finding a low, large box that is easy to use may eliminate inappropriate urination. Urinary and kidney infections are common in older cats however, so a medical problem should be ruled out first.
Dogs that experience urine leakage or have urinary accidents in the house (forgetting house-training) should also be checked out for a urinary tract infection or incontinence.

2. Urinating more frequently

Often trying to urinate so frequently that very little or no urine is produced. This repeated straining and squatting may be mistaken as constipation, which is another condition that warrants a visit to the vet's office.
Important: not being able to urinate could indicate a partial or complete blockage of the urethra, particularly in male dogs and cats, and is a life-threatening emergency. Minutes and hours matter. Don’t wait – call your vet.

3. Pain or blood with urination

Crying, yowling, or in pain when picked up (abdominal area). These would seem like obvious problems that need to be seen immediately, but I receive questions about what can be done for pet’s bloody or painful urination at home. Answer: see your vet as soon as possible!

4. Excessive licking of "private parts".

Self-explanatory. Sometimes the licking can cause secondary irritation, too.

5. Lethargy, not eating, cranky behavior.

These signs may be seen with a variety of diseases, and should always be checked out at first notice of your pet not being him/herself.

Urinary Problems are Serious

A partial or total blockage can become life-threatening within hours. For pets experiencing urinary difficulties, is always best to have then checked out by your veterinarian and treatment initiated as soon as possible. Your vet will rule out a medical problem (versus behavioral) with your pet. Then, if no medical issues are found, behavioral issues and modification can be addressed.
By Janet Tobiassen Crosby, DVM


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