Eye worm : Thelazia

*Genus: Thelazia  (Eye worm )
Sp:   T.  rhodeshi—Cattle, sheep, goat, buffalo.
                                  T .  lacrymalis---Horse
         T.   californiensis---Sheep, goat, cat, man
I/H: Musca sp.
      Fannia  sp.
     Morellia  sp.

Morphology: Small, thin, white worm, 1-2 c.m. long. Cuticle has prominent transverse striation at the anterior end. Females are viviparous. (Not ova-viviparous)
Location: Congunctival sac & lacrimal duct & under nictitating membrane.
Life cycle:
 Adult female in eye. --- lay L-1 in lacrimal secretion----Ingested by I/H
( files) feeding on secretion ----L3 develop in the ovarian follicle of fly.----L-migrate to proboscis--- deposited in the eye of new host.---L-4 ----Adult.
P.P.P.= 3-11 weeks.

        Due to secreted cuticle of the worm & for the movement by active young adult.
     Lacrimation followed by conjunctivitis   Keratitis, cloudiness & ulceration of cornea.
     Swollen eye covered with exudates & pus .* Cranial opacity.
     Congestion of  conjunctiva & cornea.  * Photophobia.
     Files are usually clustered around the eye because of excessive secretion.
Observation of parasite in conjunctival sac
Presence of L-1 in lacrimal secretion.
Adult parasite in the eye can be found it manipulated by using local anaesthetic.
        Manual  removal of parasite with a fine forceps using local anaesthetic.
Anthelmintic drugs :
1.      Methyridine –20 ml s/c inj.
2.      Tetramisole—15 mg /kg body weight       orally or parent rally
3.      ,evamisole--% mg/ kg body weight
or, 1% aqueous solution –topical preparation.

Prevention:   Difficult as fly vectors are ubiquitous.



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