Kidney Worm : Dioctophyma

Genus: Dioctophyma  (kidney worm)
Sp: D.  renale.
Location: Kidney parenchyma.
Final host: Dog , fox, mink occasionally horse ,cattle, man.
I/H: Aquatic annelids.
Morphology: largest nematode of domestic animals.(103 cm.)
Females > 60 cm.diameter 1cm.
Worms has blood red colour.
Eggs are barrel shaped & brownish –yellow.
Life cycle: Adult in the kidney---egg in urine in chain / clumps—egg ingested by annelid I/H.---—L-1=L-2=L-3(with in annelid)---I/H is swallowed by dog, fox –
                                                                                                                     Eaten by
                           Annelid with L-3 taken by frog, fish---        Para tonic host
                                                              L-3 penetrate bowel wall---enter body cavity—                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   penetrate kidney.

Destruction of kidney parenchyma , leaving only the capsule as a sac containing the worms.
Usually no clinical sign as normal kidney serve the function.
Kidney trouble together with nervous sign.
Retention of urine & death from uremia when bladder or urethra is bloked.
In man ,renal colic , pyuria, haematuria may occure.
Right kidney are more frequently invaded.

Diagnosis: Egg in urine.

Treatment: Surgical removal of worms.


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