Whip worms: Trichuris

Genus: Trichuris.(whip worms)
                                           Sp: T.  trichiura.
                                                 T.  ovis---(sheep, goat.)
                                                T.   globulosa  (cattle)
                                               T.  suis--  pig
                                                    T.   vulpis  -dog.

Location: caecum/& colon / large intestine.

 Adults are 4-6 cm. Long with a thick posterior end tapering rapidly to a long filamentous anterior end.
The anterior end always embedded in mucosa .
Hind end of male is curled and there is one spicules surrounded by a sheath which is armed with fine cuticulerspines.
In females, vulva is  situated at the beginning of the characteristics barrel shaped with mucoid plug at each end.

Life cycle:
 Adult in caecum / colon --- egg in environment.1-2 months          (L-1) with in egg---egg ingested by final host---plugs are digested--- L-1 in intestine---L-1 in glands of caecal mucosa--- L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5 in mucosal gland—adult emerge to lie on caecal mucosal surface. .           P.P.P.= 6-12 weeks.
Usually light & a sympathetic infections
In heavy infection, inflammation of caecal mucosa, due to movement of thin anterior end in submucosal region ,In pig , it facilitate the invasion of potentially pathogenic spirochaetes.           
In pigs & dog , watery diarrhoea containing blood.
Anaemia, dehydration, anorexia, destroy, loss of weight.
Caecitis, colitis, mucosal necrosis, catarrhal inflammation.

Diagnosis& treatment:


  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8YQrI7A7qUU/US6pdRmBfFI/AAAAAAAAASI/Ze9B4eaSTrQ/s000/3.jpg
