Characteristics of Murrah Buffalo

. Murrah:

 Origin and distribution : The name ``MURRAH`` means ``CURLED`` or ``DELHI`` referring to its centre of origin. The original home of murrah is Rohtak in Haryana. This breed widely distribution in india and pakistan.
 i) Body colour - The color of skin and hair is yet black but animals with reddish-frown hair occur and white marking on tail, face and extrimities.
ii) Horns - They have short , styled tightly curled horns.
iii) Eyes - are bright and active, prominent in females and slightly shruken in males.
iv) Ears - are short, thin and alert.
v) Body shape - The animal is masive, stockily built with a short, broad back and light neck and head. The udder is well developed. The hips are broad and fore-quarters and hind quarters are dropping. The tail is long reaching up to fet lock with a white switch or partially white.
Utility and production :
i) Live wt - Male - 550kg (average), Female-450kg.
ii) Milk yield of pedegru herds - 1800 liter per lactation (270-305days) and fat 7%. Milk Yield vary from 1030-2907 litre per lactation.


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