Classification of Buffalo

classification of Buffalo

Domestication buffaloes are classified into two types:
I) River type
ii) swamp type

I) River type: They prefer the clean water for wallowing. The breed of this type are divided into various group as follows :
a) Murrah group: I) Murrah  ii) Nil-Ravi.
iii) Kundi iv) Godavari
b) Gujarat group: I) Surti  ii) Mehsana
iii) Taffrabadi
c) Uttar pradesh group: I) Bhadawari ii) Tarai
d) Central India group : I) Nagpuri ii) Manda iii) Pandharpuri iv) sambal puri v) Jerangi Vi) Kalahandi
e) South India group: I) Toda ii) South kanara iii) Parlakinodi
II) Swamp type: This types of buffalo are found in China and south-east Asia and like to wallowing in the mud. e.g. I) kwa kum and kwaitui ii) kwaipra iii) Red Buffalo iv) Marie


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