Terminology related to Cattle Dog & Cat


cattle:Cattle is often used to describe the whole species without considering sex of the family Bovidae,genus,Bo's
Bull:An adult uncrasted male bovine used for breeding purposes.
Bull calf:A male calf under one year.
Hefier calf:A female calf under one year.
Yearling bull:An uncrasted male bovine between one and two year.
bullok/steer:A castrated male bovine of over two years.
Hefier/quey:A female bovine over one year which has not yet calved.
Ox:A castered male bovine used primarily for drought purposes.
Cow:A mature female bovine having at least one calf.
Calf/Toly:A young bovine of either sex up to one year of age.
Slink calves:Calves which has been aborted or those which are found in the uterus at slaughter.
Calf at foot:Female with its offspring.
Buller/Bull cow:A cow always apparently in oestrus.
Bulling:Describe a cow on heat.


Dog:adult male.
Bitch:adult female.
pub:young one,either sex.
Whelping:act of parturition.
Kilten:young one.
Mews:sound producted by cat.
Queening:act of parturition.


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