Mehsana Breed of Buffalo

Mehsana Breed

origin and distribution: buffaloes are widely distributed in the mehsana district of Gujarat state and part of Maharasta state.It is also found in palanpur in banaskantha district.
they probably originated in a cross between surti and murrah buffaloes.
the skin color is mostly yet black and occasionally brown grey with some white markings on the face ,legs or tips of tail.
 horns shape variable,with more curve than surti and less than Murrah.
the body is large and tightes.The neck is long and fine. It has well developed udder with uniformly placed teats.
this breed is docile and they are valued for this early sexual maturity, This good milk yield and high rate of reproduction.
Utility and production:
Body weight male --600 kg,Female -425 kg.
Milk yield--1300-1800 litre per lactation (300 days).

The height at  withers of the typical adult male in132 cm,the female is same as male.


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