Texonomy Classification of Botany

                                       botany এর চিত্র ফলাফল

                  GENERAL BOTANY  Lecture  -  Classification 

I.             Science of classification:  taxonomy
                A.            Most useful unit - species
                                1.             Biological species - same species if members mate and produce fertile offspring under normal conditions
                                2.             Species can evolve through natural selection
                                                a)            Sources of variation
                                                                1)            Mutations - DNA substitution, deletion, and insertion
                                                                2)            Migration - move to another location
                                                                3)            Recombination - meiosis, crossing over
                                3.             Speciation
                                                a)            Reproductive isolating mechanisms
                                                                1)            Mechanical, behavioral, gamete isolation, time isolation, hybrid inviability
                                                b)            Modes of specitation
                                                                1)            Allopatric (isolated location), parapatric (transition area), sympatric (others - ecological, behavioral, etc.)
II.            How taxonomy got started
                A.            Important dude - Carolus Linnaeus - made up descriptive latin names
                                1)            Last two words most important - binomial system
                                2)            Classification - KPCOFGS
                                                a)            Basis of appearance - phenetic
                                                b)            Evolutionary basis - phylogenetic
III.          Overall scheme to evolution - important because it helps us understand life


                Monerans =====> Protistans =====>                           Plants
                (bacteria)                   (single celled)                
                --------------- "microbes" --------------                 Animals

                From single cells ===============>          multicelled organisms

IV.          Where we go from here: Fungi (MYCOTA), Algae (PROTISTA) and Plants (PLANTAE - mosses, ferns, conifers, angiosperms)


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