Jaffarabadi Breed of Buffalo

Jaffarabadi : 

Origin and distribution :
 This breed is widely distributed in gir forest area of gujrat state ( kutch, junagadh and jamnagar districts) around the zaffarabad town from where the breed has been identified.    
color--The body color is usually black but white marking on the face and legs below the knee.
horns-- The horns are heavy and broad .sometimes cover the eyes.they are inclined to droop on each side of then neck and turn up at the points into an incomplete coid.the forehead is very prominent.
Neck--is thick,broad and has a strong developed dewlap and massive brisket.
Ears--are large and dropping.
Body shape-- the animals are massive and long barreled. the body is large and not compact. the udder is well developed and broad.
Utility and production:
 the average body weight adult bull 600 kg,female 460 kg.
 good animals may produce 14-18 litre milk of high fat content daily. the milk is valued for the preparation of ghee.
 milk yield may rang 1800-2700 litre per lactation.

bull/males are famous for halving heavy loads.


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